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Home > Free Availability Calendar *
Free Availability Calendar *
* All listings, including our FREE Basic Listings, include an Availability Calendar that can be embedded as an inline image on any other website you choose!

Availability Calendar Parameters

Availability Calendar parameters can be used to control the display and layout of your Availability Calendar. Parameters are strung onto the end of the Image tag, and'ed together using &:

Parameter Required Default Description
property_id Yes N/A Your RentalBot Property ID. This is displayed in your Owner's Dashboard
year No The current year Year to display (e.g. 2005)
month No N/A Specify this parameter to display a single month
months No 18 The number of months to display (if month is not specified)
start No The current month First month to display (e.g. 5 for May)
months_per_row No 3, 4, or 5 The number of months to display per row.
width No None The width of the calendar when the unscaled size is too big.


Examples are shown below, using property_id=20511 as an example.

18-month Availability Calendar starting with the current month in the current year with 3 months per row, unscaled:
<IMG SRC=""/>
Availability Calendar Example

15-month Availability Calendar starting with the current month in the current year with 5 months per row, unscaled:
<IMG SRC=""/>
Availability Calendar Example

12-month Availability Calendar starting with January in the current year with 4 months per row, unscaled:
<IMG SRC=""/>
Availability Calendar Example

12-month Availability Calendar starting with the current month in the current year with 3 months per row, scaled to a width of 300:
<IMG SRC=""/>
Availability Calendar Example

A single month, unscaled:
<IMG SRC=""/>
Availability Calendar Example

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